Acupuncture is one type of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) used for treating pain in the bones, ligaments and muscles. There are many diseases that can also benefit from acupuncture. Dr. Jeun has taken extensive training in animal acupuncture and is excited to offer this option to your dog or cat.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting small, sterile needles into specific points on the body. Needles remain in place for 10-15 minutes. Pets & owners are encouraged to stay together and relax during this time, to allow for the treatment to take effect.
Weekly re-evaluation of the patient during initial treatment allows for the disease to reveal its layers (think of peeling an onion) and adjustments, if needed, in the acupuncture points used.
The recommendation is to start with 4 acupuncture sessions, once a week, and continue with maintenance treatments every 2-3 weeks.
Conditions where acupuncture may be appropriate
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Respiratory problems
- Neurological disorders
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Reproductive, endocrine, and metabolic disorders
- Immunosuppressive and allergic disorders
- Dermatologic disorders
- Urinary disorders
- Emergencies
My 10 yr old Lab Sadie started to limp and could hardly get up from a laying position. She was having problems sleeping. Our walks had to be curtailed because she seemed to just give up and lay down in the middle of a ½ hr walk and looked like she was in pain. I brought her to Dr. Godfrey – who has attended to Sadie since she was born.
Dr. Godfrey ordered hip x-rays and diagnosed severe dysplasia in both hips. I was shown the x-rays and it looked like her hips were crumbling. Because Sadie was on Vanectyl-P for skin allergy, Sadie could not be given certain drugs for pain because Vanectyl-P contained prednisone (a steroid drug). Dr. Godfrey gave her pain medication, rest and Dasequin (glucosamine). However, she did mention that Dr. Jeun (associate) was just starting a practice of veterinary acupuncture as a side specialty to her regular practice at Emeryville Animal Hospital and perhaps Sadie may be a candidate for acupuncture. I told Dr. Godfrey that I would think about it.
I had acupuncture in the past that was very helpful to me – however, I was wary of how my Lab Sadie would react to needles and staying quiet while the needles were in. I decided to give it a try – since it wasn’t costly and I love Sadie and it broke my heart to see her in so much pain.
The 1st appointment was examination but mostly information taking by Dr. Jeun. She told me she thought she could help but I had to commit to several sessions – which I did – 5 in total. Dr. Jeun made Sadie very comfortable and had me apply pressure to certain areas to calm Sadie. I did not notice a difference until session 4. She stopped limping and this was several weeks after pain meds were stopped. Sadie was doing so well that we needed only 5 treatments. The difference was amazing. She walks for 1/2 hr – no laying down – gets up and down a lot easier and that happy puppy that I love so much is playful again.
I decided to write this letter because it is now 10 months later and, even though her arthritis is still there, Sadie’s pain is reduced and mobility is no longer a problem. I cannot thank Dr. Jeun enough for giving my Sadie back her quality of life and me peace of mind. I hope that by writing this letter, other owners will give acupuncture a try for their ailing friends. IT WORKS.
Millie Gayne and Sadie (woof-woof) May 2013